Pre-order or pre-register for apps, movies, books & audiobooks

Yous can pre-order select movies, e-books, and audiobooks and have them announced in your library as presently equally they're available. Y'all can also pre-register for select apps and games that aren't out yet.

Pre-order or pre-register for an item

You lot won't be charged for pre-orders until the item is available in your app.

Of import: If you pre-register for an item, you won't exist able to cancel your pre-registration.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open Google Play Store app Google Play.
  2. Tap the detail you'd like to pre-order.
  3. On the item's particular folio, tap Pre-lodge or Pre-register.

You'll get an email when your pre-order is placed. You'll also get a notification or email when you go the particular or when it becomes bachelor to download.

Important: A pre-club may be canceled if your payment is declined. If you lot used Google Play Store balance every bit your grade of payment for your pre-society, your order will be canceled if yous don't have enough credit in your account when the item is released.

Check status or cancel your pre-order

You'll receive a counterfoil e-mail after canceling your lodge.

Starting in August, the Music shop on Google Play volition start shutting down gradually for users, and you lot won't exist able to buy music. Pre-orders with a delivery date after the close downwards won't exist fulfilled, and y'all won't be charged. You'll receive an email for whatever pre-orders that have been canceled. Your existing music purchases (up to 100K songs) can exist transfered to YouTube Music. Learn how to transfer your Google Play music.

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